Resources and links

General/Family Camp
Google group (mailing list) [email protected] [email protected]
Google Calendar same link
How to invite this group to cal events & meetings Invite [email protected] and everybody on the list will be invited Invite glow-job-cam [email protected] and everybody on the list will be invited
Docs home Glow Job Family Book 2024 Camp Book
Web link to docs (to share with people outside family)
Discord invite same link

Camp and Family

Our docs, dates, votes and roles get grouped into two contexts: Camp and Family.

Glow Job Camp

<aside> ⛺ The Camp context is all about things directly related to on-playa life this year.


Glow Job Family

<aside> 🌟 The Family context is about all the wider friendship, organizational and steering ideas that stretch outside the activities of this year’s camp.


If you are not going to Burning Man this year, here’s what this means for you:

Camp & Family communications, invites, and agendas