ℹ️ Meeting notes and agendas
The steering committee is/does this…
- Pre-planning process for the upcoming year
- Lay groundwork for camp planning activities
- Help flesh out important docs and make revisions
- Draft a calendar for meetings and important events
- Think about roles and how the group functions
- Draft our placement questionnaire responses
- Propose plans & procedures for the camp to evaluate and ratify later
- Is a temporary action group, not a permanent board
- Will disband after presenting its work to the camp
The steering committee isn’t going to…
- Make specific decisions about camp infrastructure, membership or programming
- Interview new members or review standing
- Set budget or make purchasing decisions
Steering committee presents its work to the camp in March before paperwork is due
Steering committee then dissolves on when camp begins to meet
Specific deliverables
- proposed edits to Letter of Intent